Basic troubleshooting

Here’s a repost of the information found in our troubleshooting guide:

A valuable skill to acquire is the ability to troubleshoot. It is a skill that is recognized in NGSS. Below we will share several common problems with a few suggestions on how to solve that problem.

Problem: Sketch (code) upload to Arduino

In the Arduino IDE the user is unable to upload a code.


First, make sure the selected port is correct with the Arduino Uno under the “Tools” menu bar.
Make sure Experimental Platform isn’t running at the same time as IDE.
Unplug USB from computer and push the “Reset” button on the Arduino Uno board.
Exit out of everything and try uploading again.
Make sure ArdusatSDK library is uploaded into Arduino IDE, and you have chosen the correct sketch to upload onto Arduino.
Check and follow each individual wire and make sure it is connected correctly and matches the wiring diagram provided.
Be sure the code matches the example code provided on the Experiment/Mission guidelines.
Make sure your code is correct by selecting Verify and then upload once the verifications are all correct.
Note: At the bottom of the IDE there will be suggestions and solutions to coding problems to help perfect your code.

Problem: Experiment Platform is not working properly:


Make sure the Arduino IDE is still not uploading code onto the Arduino Uno board.
Be sure Serial Monitor on Arduino IDE is not running.
Quit the Arduino IDE completely.
Exit platform and try re-opening.
Check port connection and make sure it matches the one in the Arduino IDE.
Try disconnecting and reconnecting the port.
Check wiring on sensor and make sure the Experimental Platform is reading the sensor on the left hand side of platform.
Check Baud Rate to make sure they match from the code on the IDE to the Experimental Platform. (Usually 9600)
If the Experiment Platform STILL doesn’t work try uninstalling and installing Google Chrome.

Problem: No Sensor Data in Experiment Platform

If sensor is not responding when conducting an experiment or mission:


Be sure the sensor is connected to ground and power on the rails of the breadboard.
Then make sure the breadboard is connected to a power source and ground on the Arduino Uno. Be sure you have the sensor connected to the SDA and SCL data ports.(A4 & A5)
Check to make sure each sensor is wired up correctly, reference the wiring guide on the Ardusat website under Learning Recourse.
Do you have the wires connected to the correct Input/Output pins on the Arduino Board? (Analog or Digital ports)
Make sure to include beginAccelerationSensor(); in the setup() function for the Acceleration Sensor, or the appropriate begin() command for the corresponding sensor.
If all else fails check the software (Arduino IDE and Experimental Platform) or try re-wiring from the beginning.
General tips:

Tip #1: Do not try to upload new sketches to the Arduino Uno while still connected to the Experiment Platform.

Tip #2: Beware that Arduino Uno will not work properly if placed on a metal surface or table.