Warm and Gooey (An Exploration in Thermodynamics) #4966

This is a discussion for the Warm and Gooey (An Exploration in Thermodynamics) Experiment. Feel free to connect with the Learning Team here, or to discuss experiment tips, ask questions, leave comments or suggest experiment variations here.

Q: Given the list below, which item(s) in the list is/are your variable(s)?

  • Amount of chocolate
  • Type of chocolate
  • Wattage of the light bulb
  • Time the chocolate spends underneath the light bulb
  • Paper Towels
  • Distance the chocolate is from the light bulb

A: Paper Towels

Q: Which item(s) in the list above is/are your constant(s)?
A: Amount of chocolate, type of chocolate, wattage of the light bulb, time the chocolate spends underneath the light bulb, and distance the chocolate is from the light bulb.