Cue Fade! (An Exploration in Coding and LED Brightness) #4753

This is a discussion for the Cue Fade! (An Exploration in Coding and LED Brightness) Experiment. Feel free to connect with the Learning Team here, or to discuss experiment tips, ask questions, leave comments or suggest experiment variations here.

Q: Which line in the sketch below declares pin 9 to be the ledPin?
A: Line 16

Q: In the sketch below, what is the value for LED brightness that turns on the LED to full intensity?
A: 255

Q: In the sketch below, what is the value for LED brightness that turns the LED completely off?
A: 0

Q: How did a larger delay(30) value affect the fade?
A: it takes longer to complete the fade cycle.

Q: How did a smaller delay(30) value affect the fade?
A: it takes a shorter amount of time to complete the fade cycle.